Price: ???
Coming Soon
Price: $0.00
(3 Yogi)Price: ???
Coming Soon
(Physical and Digital Item)
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Rarity: Legendary
Supply: 1
Description: CARD #2 holds key info for tokens STAY, INDEPENDENCE, Teddy Bear, Treasury Bill, BFF, Scissors, and ޖޮޔިސްދޭވޯހީ. It includes information on supply, liquidity pool count, burn percentage, liquidity pool percentage, source address holdings, treasury address holdings, and the target price.
In-Game Ability: The CARD#2 token comes with a in-game ability where whoever weilds the 1 CARD#2 token gets an overpowered ability in dysnomia (undecided)
Contract Address: 0xD19FB74c5c4F3FC76AB883b0C22bc40766E2AD2B
Description: ??????
Description: ??????